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Wiggle Wine!

It’s always such a nice feeling when you are at a party or just chilling at home and you hear a song that’s got its own infectious dance. That smile appears on your face, you hit the dancefloor taking up first position and you start doing that particular dance. I have seen it time and time again. So I said to myself one of these days, I am going to make one of those songs. So I did. Having wrote the rap some years ago, I just had to come up with a catchy chorus. I remember when I went to seek my wife and daughters’ opinions on the dance, they all fell over laughing!! I knew there and then, I had something!!!

Keep wiggle Wining, it’s medicine for the soul!!!!


Donchez Dacres Jamaican Singer Songwriter, UK
Donchez Dacres Jamaican Singer Songwriter, UK
Donchez Dacres Jamaican Singer Songwriter, UK
Donchez Dacres Jamaican Singer Songwriter, UK
Donchez Dacres Jamaican Singer Songwriter, UK
Donchez Dacres Jamaican Singer Songwriter, UK

Herrol Dacres, alias Donchez Dacres, is an English-Jamaican Singer Songwriter whose songs are predominately Reggae influenced with a commercial edge. Donchez currently resides in Wolverhampton and performs around the UK at live events.

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